IR CONTACT - 東京生活館




1.When was the Company incorporated?

2.When did the Company become a public company?

3.When is the Company's fiscal year end?

4.Who is the Company's independent auditor?

5.Who is the Company's legal counsel?

6.Who is the Company's depositary for ADSs?

1. When was the Company incorporated?

Yoshitsu Co., Ltd was incorporated in Japan on December 28, 2006.

2. When did the Company become a public company?

January 18th, 2022.

3. When is the Company's fiscal year end?

March 31

4. Who is the Company's independent auditor?

Marcum LLP

730 3rd Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017

Tel: (212) 485-5500


5. Who is the Company's legal counsel?

Hunter Taubman Fischer & Li LLC

Tel: 212-530-2206

Fax: 212-202-6380

6. Who is the Company's depositary for ADSs?

The Bank of New York Mellon

240 Greenwich Street, New York, New York 10286

Tel: 212-495-1784